



芭芭拉一个. Kirklauskas 60


当芭芭拉还是圣母大学的学生时,她活跃于合唱团, Sodality and shared the honor of Class President with one other classmate during their Junior and Senior years.  

从NDA毕业后 Barbara chose to attend Worcester State College now known as Worcester State University where she was awarded both a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education and Master of Education.  Barbara took a sabbatical year from teaching from 1989 – 1990 to attending Harvard University where she earned a Certificate of Advanced Study in Administration, 规划及社会政策. 

As a result of Barbara’s love of education she spent 21 years as a teacher of Mathematics at both the Junior and Senior High School level and served as a 9th grade advisor.  She also held the position of Department Head of the Math Department at the High School level along with Yearbook Advisor. Those years were followed by an additional 17 years as an Assistant 主要 at South High Community School and Burncoat High School.  芭芭拉还担任过校长和全市数学协调员的临时职位.

在1980年结婚之前,以及婚后,芭芭拉对旅行有着强烈的渴望. 和她丈夫一起, 他们游历了许多地区, 包括美国在内, 欧洲, 日本, 中国, 以及中东地区. 他们在中东的时候, 她的丈夫是巴林宾利大学的教授.

退休后, Barbara increased her involvement with 澳博app by backing initiatives such as the Kirklauskas Scholars and the  InHer Circle Speaker Series.  She also supports Worcester State University's Scholarship Programs and the development of their Spiritual Center. 另外, 芭芭拉活跃于教会团体,并加入了米尔福德老年中心, 她在哪里追求她对编织和钩针编织的热情, 把它们捐给各种组织.


Kerry McGuirk, 94年,24年,25年

从NDA毕业后,  克里在东北大学获得工商管理学士学位. 然后她回到家乡,在伍斯特地区生活和工作.   Kerry的职业生涯一直在生物技术和制药行业.  Kerry目前是赛诺菲公司的高级区域业务经理.  克里和她的丈夫马修以及他们的两个女儿住在南伯勒, 马德琳- nda -2025和儿子马丁- SJ-2028.  克里热爱NDA,并希望看到这个特殊的地方为子孙后代茁壮成长.  




艾琳·多布森1988年毕业于澳博app. 她继续在梅里马克学院接受教育,并于1992年获得本科学位. 随后, she obtained a Master’s degree in School Leadership and Educational Administration from Worcester State College in 2000, 2014年获得诺瓦东南大学教育领导力博士学位.

在过去的三十年里,艾琳一直致力于伍斯特公立学校. 最初,她担任班主任和副校长. 在过去的13年里,她一直担任塔特努克磁石学校的校长. 另外, 艾琳是伍斯特州立大学的兼职教授, 为该领域未来领导者的教育做出贡献.

在她的职业生涯中, 艾琳对伍斯特社区的贡献得到了认可. 她曾两次获得伍斯特公立学校的托马斯·杰斐逊奖. In 2015, 她是理查德·格林创始人奖的获得者之一, 承认她的合作是“一个城市”的一部分, 一个图书馆倡议.

艾琳于2017年入选巴黎圣母院体育名人堂. She continues to connect with the school community by running the basketball clock at each home game for the last 31 seasons. 艾琳担任乔施瓦茨小联盟的董事会作为该组织的财务主管. 

艾琳与丈夫埃里克和儿子泰迪住在伍斯特.  她很自豪能和她的妹妹Kerry (McGuirk) Wall一起获得Knollwood奖. 她认为澳博app是她大家庭的一部分.


凯瑟琳Tsandikos, 她是76年澳博app的校友, 波士顿学院80届毕业生是一位具有社区服务和创业精神的女性.

She is the proud and devoted mother to Alexis and Solon Kelleher and cherished grandmother to Alexis' two boys, 里德和AJ, 分别是4和2.  她的丈夫是Harry Kokkinis.

Kathryn's impact extends beyond her family as she carries on that dedication and caring to her valued employees at Coney Island, 他们中的许多人在那里工作了多年. She takes great pride in mentoring her staff and creating a caring and friendly environment for both employees and customers alike. 2016年,她被伍斯特杂志选为伍斯特的女主角之一.

凯思琳在圣. Spyridon希腊东正教大教堂,多年来她一直是合唱团的成员.  She also sits on the board of Hellenic 艺术 Society and is a past corporator for the Ecotarium and also Greater Worcester Community Foundation.  

Kathryn has followed a love of 精神上的ity and community service instilled in her by her parents, 乔安娜和梭伦·桑迪科斯神父.  

最近,她担任了作家的新角色, 出版《澳博app》, 透过伍斯特家族企业的镜头讲述她的故事.

四十年来,  凯瑟琳在乔治的康尼岛工作过, evolving it into a multi-faceted enterprise with a concession stand at Polar Park in 2021 and a food truck in 2023.

凯思琳很感激母校能授予她荣誉, to which she credits fostering a commitment to community whose seed was planted by Love in Action.



劳林家族与澳博app(NDA)的渊源长达半个多世纪, 体现了深深扎根于奉献和服务的遗产. 跨越三代, 劳林夫妇在NDA社区中发挥了关键作用, 在它的历史和精神上留下了不可磨灭的印记. 雷蒙德·劳林写给约翰·劳林, 玛丽安·劳林·西博尔德79年, 大卫Seibold, 迈克尔·劳林, 这个家族的血统给董事会增添了光彩, 为NDA的发展轨迹提供智慧和指导. 他们的集体智慧在引导该机构走向卓越方面发挥了重要作用.

劳林夫妇有幸连续与五位校长合作, 为NDA的使命提供专业知识和坚定的支持. 通过他们对服务的承诺, 他们在学校的大厅里培养了一种弹性和赋权的文化. 此外, 劳伦斯的遗产超出了治理范畴, 八位杰出的女性在她们的指导下从NDA毕业. 莉兹·劳琳是志愿精神的灯塔, 十多年来,她无私奉献,丰富了学校社区.

作为NDA价值观的长期拥护者, the Lauring family remains steadfast in their commitment to nurturing young women's holistic development. 他们支持NDA的使命,即教育和增强个人的认知能力, 精神上的, 以及天主教框架下的个人战线. 带着坚定的骄傲, 劳伦家族将继续支持NDA的变革之旅, 确保后代的女性成为富有同情心的人, 聪明的, 以及被授权的领导者. Their enduring legacy exemplifies the profound impact of familial dedication and collective vision in shaping a brighter future for all.


伊丽莎白·基特·洛,79年                                                      *已故 

澳博app毕业后, Elizabeth attended Carnegie Mellon University and obtained degrees in both Mechanical Engineering and French and Francophone Studies. She was multilingual and studied at the Ecole Polytechnique Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, 瑞士.

She had an extensive career in engineering and business operations in 欧洲 rising to executive board leadership positions, 包括大卫·布朗集团, where she was responsible for worldwide marketing and corporate business development strategy for mobile equipment drives. 后来,她在英国成功建立了自己的公司Marketing Analytics Ltd. 

同时, 同时建立她的企业客户组合, she obtained a postgraduate degree in marketing and digital marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing. 

尽管他是一位杰出的商业领袖, 莉兹想更深入地钻研她的创作兴趣, 因此,她离开了企业界,开始了一段令人兴奋的探索艺术世界的旅程. She challenged her growing understanding of painting and subject matter by completing a Fine 艺术 degree from the 艺术 University in 伯恩茅斯 England. Liz thrived in the realms of artistic expression and went on to become an accomplished Fine Artist working in paint, 版画, 和摄影. 在欧洲, 她在布达佩斯的展览中展出, 匈牙利和索尔兹伯里, 伯恩茅斯, 和伦敦, UK.

而绘画, she continued to pursue her love of linguistics by completing a degree in French Literature and Linguistics at the Université Sainte-Anne in Nova Scotia, 加拿大.

她还在新斯科舍省的教堂角画廊展出, 安纳波利斯皇家, 熊河, 及沙湾.
Liz was a past board member of the Annapolis Region Community 艺术 Council and a member of Les 艺术 de la Baie and 视觉艺术s Nova Scotia. 为她的艺术之眼创造一个不断变化的自然画布, 她成了一名狂热的园丁. 她设计了美丽的季节性花园,并知道植物的拉丁命名法, 树, 和鲜花. 

利兹在与第四期癌症进行了长达一年的勇敢斗争后,于2022年9月18日去世. 她确实是一位杰出的领袖, 她无所畏惧地追求体验周围的世界, 了解生活中真正重要的是什么, 分享不同的文化观点. 



 澳博app became a tradition for the Flagg family with not only the   three daughters attending but also four granddaughters graduating from the school.

 弗拉格家族在伍斯特地区有着悠久的历史.   Flagg担任David Clark公司的总裁, 伍斯特大学, 在他退休前工作了31年. Mr. 和夫人. 弗拉格对带给他们这么多的社区很慷慨
 很荣幸能资助澳博app的约翰和弗吉尼亚·弗拉格画廊. Their goal was to share the arts and the beauty of Notre Dame with   students for generations to come.


 Their family is pleased to know that their generosity continues to enrich the   lives of the many students the school welcomes each year.

而奥. 和夫人. 旗子不再和我们在一起了,这个家庭很荣幸被选中